MobaMotion features comparison

Animated GIF vs MobaMotion animation

MobaMotion animations have better quality: animated GIFs use 256 colors whereas MobaMotion use 16-bit colors.

MobaMotion enhanced compression algorithm brings better compression ratio: the following animation is 7.05 MB in animated GIF whereas its weight is only 516 KB using MobaMotion

  animated GIF sample (7.05 MB)
  MobaMotion animation sample (516 KB)

Flash vs MobaMotion animation

MobaMotion animations are natively supported on any browser without the need for an external plugin.

MobaMotion enhanced compression algorithm brings better compression ratio: the following animation is 3.68 MB in Flash whereas its weight is only 516 KB using MobaMotion

  Flash sample (3.68 MB)
  MobaMotion animation sample (516 KB)

MP4 video vs MobaMotion animation

MobaMotion animations are natively supported on any browser without the need for an external plugin. Even old browsers are supported.

MobaMotion enhanced compression algorithm is optimized for screen capture: the following animation is 2.48 MB in MP4 video whereas its weight is only 516 KB using MobaMotion

MobaMotion brings better quality with lossless compression whereas video files use lossy compression.

  MP4 video sample (2.48 MB)
  MobaMotion animation sample (516 KB)

How does it work?

MobaMotion creates a single PNG file (like this one) which contains the first picture of the animation and the "diff blocks" of the following pictures.

When the animation is displayed on a webpage, for each animation frame, the corresponding "blocks" are painted onto the previous picture using native Javascript code

This allows very efficient compression ratio for screen capture while keeping the solution natively supported on all browsers.

Go ahead and try it now: you can download and use MobaMotion for free! You do not need admin rights to run MobaMotion, it does not contain advertisement, and it does not perform any internet connection.